It is no longer safe for a young father to walk down the streets England with his child and girlfriend - innocent people are not safe from escalating muslim gang violence. (aka street jihad)
Likely the above statement will not come as a surprise news alert to most English people - . A few - but far from all of - other recent instances:
Muslim Gang Rapes Man in Manchester Centre
Muslim gang robs & forces 3 teen boys to "Lick our boots"
Son Brutally Murdered By "Asians" Yet Grieving British Mum Worries About Safety of Local Muslims
Now we have "Reece Johnson, 23, who was left with a six-inch laceration that needed 68 stitches after being attacked by a mob of 20 Asian 'youths'. Medics told him that the blade had stopped just short of his jugular vein and that he could have bled to death......He was then set upon and punched before one of the gang cut open his left cheek with a Stanley knife....Mr Johnson was taken to a specialist facial unit at the Royal Blackburn Hospital on Saturday night. He was given 20 stitches inside his face and another 48 on the outside." See article below
Young Mr Johnson will be left with a gigantic scar across his face and his 5 year old son, Tyrel, is traumatised from watching his father being brutally attacked and slashed.
So what was the supposed motive for this heinous violent attack? The excuse - and you know that law enforcement and judges will always give muslims an "excuse"for criminal behaviours, was revenge for a 2007 attack by 2 white teens that resulted in a death of a muslim man. Both assailants are now serving time for the crime.
Mr Johnson had nothing to do with that incident.
A clear sign of the cowardly nature of these racist, Kuffarophobic muslim thugs is they only attack is when they are in much greater numbers than the victims. This muslim gang proceeded to exact their racist, vigilante wrath onto the innocent Reece Johnson.
"They were saying "your lot killed one of ours" meaning white people killed an Asian lad.
'One of the guys was acting aggressively and the group was swearing and hurling racist abuse. They were very racist.
'I saw one of them in front of me with a small hand knife and I was watching him. But then another lad came at the side of me and punched me and that's when I was slashed." See article below
Reece Johnson - left with a large, highly visible facial scar covering the once gaping wound - worries:
"I'm scarred for life now and people might look at me and think I'm a violent thug.'
So the innocent victim will bear the mark of a 'violent thug'.
There is also eerie similarity to THE most despicable race hate crime in Scotland/Britain - the horrific murder of 15 year old schoolboy, Kriss Donald - who was tortured and killed by muslim gang/men for no other reason than the young lad was white.
as well as Rob Hughes, who was left with the imprint of a trainer on his forehead and nose following a vicious muslim gang attack.
AND brothers Thomas and David Barry, had their bodies pummelled and their faces smashed when they were set upon by a gang of up to 30 "youths" armed with hammers. The brothers had gone outside the pub to go to the aid of Thomas's son and his 16 yr. old girlfriend who the muslim gang had already attacked.
So far what is the sum total result of the police investigation into the muslim slasher-gang attack on Mr. Johnson?
"A 16-year-old was arrested but later released without charge."
I'd like to predict there will be more arrests and prosecutions.........but it is far more likely the police will let the entire incident drop without the perpetrators being brought to justice.....for the sake of 'community cohesion'.
Father has face sliced open in racial attack as his son, 5, watches in horror
An innocent father was slashed across the face in front of his five-year-old child in a random 'anti-white' revenge attack over the murder of an Asian teenager.
Reece Johnson, 23, was left with a six-inch laceration that needed 68 stitches after being attacked by a mob of 20 Asian youths.
Medics told him that the blade had stopped just short of his jugular vein and that he could have bled to death.

Victim: Reece Johnson, 23, was attacked by a mob of youths as he walked with his girlfriend and son. The laceration to his face needed 68 stitches
Today Mr Johnson, a labourer, said: 'My face is a mess but the fact is I'm very lucky to be alive.
'The doctors told me if the blade had continued another few millimetres then it would have hit my jugular vein.
'The nurse said it must have been a very sharp blade, like a razor.
'She said another finger tip across my neck and that would have been it, I would have died. These guys picked on me for no other reason than because I was a white and killers of that young lad were white.'
Mr Johnson, who lives in Great Lever, near Bolton, Greater Manchester, had been walking home with his girlfriend and son Tyrel on Saturday evening when a mob of 20 Asian youths surrounded him snarling: 'Your lot killed one of ours.'
He was then set upon and punched before one of the gang cut open his left cheek with a Stanley knife.
As Tyrel screamed in horror, his father was left reeling with a giant gaping wound in his face.
Police believe the attack was motivated by revenge after the murder of college student Saffer Khan, 19, by two white youths in the same area over two years ago.
Mr Johnson said: 'It's just unbelievable. Obviously I had nothing to do with what happened to Mr Khan yet I was tarred with the same brush as the killers simply because of the colour of my skin.
'I'm scarred for life now and people might look at me and think I'm a violent thug.'
Mr Johnson had been for a day out with his family and friends in Blackpool and was walking past the entrance of Bobby Heywood Park in Great Lever where Mr Khan was beaten to death for pleasure by two teenagers in November 2007.

Crime scene: Mr Johnson was set upon near the entrance to Heywood Park in Great Lever, Bolton. He was rushed to hospital, where medics told him he could have bled to death
He said Tyrel had been particularly badly affected by the attack.
'I was with my son and a girlfriend when this mob of 20 Asian youths came up to us,' he said.
'They were saying "your lot killed one of ours" meaning white people killed an Asian lad.
'One of the guys was acting aggressively and the group was swearing and hurling racist abuse. They were very racist.
'I saw one of them in front of me with a small hand knife and I was watching him. But then another lad came at the side of me and punched me and that's when I was slashed.
'I was scared for my life. The lads who attacked me have no respect. My little son was with me - he's five years old.
'He was screaming, clinging on to one of my friend's legs.
'He was hysterical and has been left traumatised.
'He woke up the other night crying. That is not normal for him.'
Mr Johnson was taken to a specialist facial unit at the Royal Blackburn Hospital on Saturday night. He was given 20 stitches inside his face and another 48 on the outside.
He left hospital at 6.30am on Sunday and is now recovering at his parents' home in Farnworth, near Bolton.
The father-of-three said he and his girlfriend will now move home because they are scared to return to the area.
He added: 'There are people in the community that know who has done it but it is whether they are brave enough to admit it.'
A Greater Manchester police spokesman said: 'The 23-year-old man had been out with his girlfriend when he was confronted by a group of up to 20 youths.
'An argument broke out and during this, the man was slashed across the left cheek, suffering a six-inch wound. Inquiries are ongoing.'
A 16-year-old was arrested but later released without charge.
Mr Khan was kicked to death by 18-year old Joseph Booth who ripped off an electronic tag he had been ordered to wear as a condition of his early release from jail.
Manchester Crown Court was told that in the hours before the killing, Booth had been on a boozing spree.
After downing cheap cider, he simply broke open the tag and threw it away - an action which triggered the authorities.
As the police began to search for Booth, the the teenager and a 15-year old boy began prowling the park looking for a victim to mug.
They ambushed Mr Khan who was punched kicked and and had his head stamped on.
Booth and the 15-year old were later jailed for life for murder.
I served in the Israeli Navy. Maybe I could get a security job in UK to keep these turds in place? Your police and courts obviously can't provide the domestic security it's supposed to. Maybe you folks need a hired security force, and I'm VERY trigger-happy.
Posted by: Isra-Yob | May 06, 2010 at 04:42 AM
"A 16-year-old was arrested but later released without charge."
Meanwhile a young man has had his arm broken and eye blacked and thrown into prison - without a trial - for waving an English flag and making a noise!
Warning: All the hard working, taxpaying, peace loving English are going to be leaving the country in drones!
Posted by: gsw | May 06, 2010 at 09:37 AM
Wow so this is what happens when you let your government destroy all of your guns - if this happened to me in front of my son - there would be no more "Asians" in my neighborhood.
Posted by: shark | May 11, 2010 at 09:31 PM
the french call them koranimals. Time to add a new word to the OED.
Posted by: jay renaud | May 12, 2010 at 05:18 AM
You guys are going to need to allow common citizens to bear arms. Mark my words, it going to be you or them during the next generation and I hope to hell the sheer balls that could hold back and beat Hitler can wake up before it's too late. The slow motion Islamic revolution is grinding away slowly at you.
Posted by: jerry | July 10, 2010 at 09:33 AM
That illiterate,violant rant from that East Man tells us everything about the serious problems facing our way of life!
Posted by: white survival | August 09, 2010 at 07:51 AM
I am Argentinian. You have many problems with my country because "las Malvinas son argentinas" (You say Falklands) but i support your struggle against Islamization.
I love white race of everywhere. Yes. I like England. Your literature is very beautiful: Shakespeare, Moore, Byron. I like your music: Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Deep Purple and Motörhead. Yes, you are very greatest.
You must fight to survive in this world. It is very hard but that is the true.
Excuse me but my English is very little. I know Spanish and i like to write in my language. I have a blog with my things.
God bless you and thank you for all!
Posted by: Alan. | August 28, 2010 at 11:43 PM
You invaded our countries and now you see we are here to stay. You will bend over and take anything we feed you. The english are weak, we will own this country your daughters will be our whores, and there is nothing you can do about it. Conquered without the sword.
Posted by: Abu Mohammad | August 29, 2010 at 12:29 PM