Some sad truths - truths discussed in this blog for years now - are highlighted in the below article. There is NO doubt that the UK has been incessantly far TOO soft on radical Islam to the extent it is protected and thriving in the UK. Multicultural worshipping dhimmi bureaucrats, educators and judicial muslim apologists have figuratively paved the streets of Great Britain with Islamic cobblestones as they forced muslim colonisation upon the British people. The British people are treated like second class citizens in their own Country.
"Thus the Quranic inspired desire for muslim domination or Global Caliphate has flown into the UK on a multicultural magic carpet as multiculturalism and Islamisation have become virtually synonymous. The muslim colonization of Britain is encouraged and viewed with delight by drooling, pandering, vote whoring, social engineering, lefty politicians and open border globalizers. While disingenuously waving the multicultural banner, muslims have availed themselves of hundreds of years of British civilization/benefits/ social housing and health care, etc. In other words, they have cherry picked all the good that Britain has to offer but, like true invaders, they have thumbed their noses at assimilation and set up no go areas where they can continue to live their Sharia Law ruled lives, embrace the ideology of Islam, show preference for muslims - and let the millions of non muslim British taxpaying "slaves" fund muslims new "western lifestyles". Including financing the importing of multiple wives, and the exploding muslim birth population- both of which allows muslims to partake of even more lucrative, financial benefits and frees many of them up to spend full time running their own anti-British political agendas all while providing others with extra time to rant against the "infidels" - the same infidels that pay for their every need and mega-family's existence. Ludicrously but not surprisingly, even Osama Bin Laden's Right Hand Man and his family are "set for life" on British benefits." SOURCE
The below article does contain some erroneous accusations - such as the British people forcing muslims to live in ghettos as well as well as preventing muslims from assimilating. In fact there is plenty of evidence to the contrary. Would seem to me that both are conscious choices of muslims to not live amongst the infidels.
Nevertheless if the rest of the world recognizes Britain for aiding and abetting radical Islam thus becoming a threat to primarily the Western world - it is past time for British government to take off their rose-colored glasses and do so. This is not about politics - it is about survival.
Otherwise Great Britain is doomed to be crushed under Islamic bulldozers - just like this Church of England church and the tombstones in it's Christian graveyard- and become one massive Islamic Centre.
See also Mark Steyn post: "I said a few years back that Britain had been so hollowed out by Islamic radicals that it was becoming Somalia with chip shops"
--------------ADDENDUM - JANUARY 3, 2010 ------------
"The security services (MI5) knew three years ago that the Detroit bomber had “multiple communications” with Islamic extremists in Britain, it emerged this weekend.
Counterterrorism officials said Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was “reaching out” to extremists whom MI5 had under surveillance while he was studying at University College London.
Officials said the 23-year-old Nigerian was “starting out on a journey” in Britain that culminated in his attempt to bring down flight 253 as it prepared to land in Detroit, Michigan, on Christmas Day.
None of the information was passed to American officials, which will prompt questions about intelligence failures prior to the attack." SOURCE & MORE INFO
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab prompted warnings
Friday January 1,2010
By Padraic Flanagan
American anger over the attempted suicide bomb attack by former student Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab prompted warnings that the biggest threat to US security came from Britain.
The 23-year-old Nigerian is thought to have embraced radical views while studying in London.
Daniel Pipes, a former adviser to Rudolph Giuliani during his presidential campaign and an expert on radical Islam, said: “The UK is a menace to the outside world. It’s been a problem for years now. This is just one more example.”
US policy makers also attacked the way British Muslims are pushed into “ghettoes”, which they say compares badly with their assimilation in America.
Pentagon aide Marc Thiessen said Muslim immigrants in the US were much better integrated and considered themselves American within a generation thanks to the US “melting pot” approach.
The former chief speechwriter to President George W Bush added: “That doesn’t exist in Europe in the same way and particularly in Britain, which is more socially stratified than the US.
“They live in Muslim ghettoes and feel alienated from the larger society and not accepted.”
Abdulmutallab, a mechanical engineering student at University College London, was president of the college’s Islamic Society between 2006 and 2007.
Like many British universities, it has been accused of failing to stop radical preachers from spreading an extremist message on campus for fear of being accused of religious hatred.
Mr Thiessen blamed liberal attitudes for allowing Islamic extremism to spread.
We are in grave danger by doing away with vital tools in the war on terror – all in response to the hue and cry from the European Left and to appease European opinion,” he said.
“There is no shame in aggressively interrogating terrorists or treating them as enemy combatants as opposed to criminals. What was attempted in Detroit, what was done to you on the London Underground, these were not crimes – they were acts of war.”
Charles Allen, intelligence chief at the Department of Homeland Security under Mr Bush, said: “There are more challenges in Muslim immigrants integrating into British society than there is in America – a lack of assimilation, a great deal of alienation.”
He said that as a result Al Qaeda had worked much harder to recruit people who lived in the West.
British-based experts point out that radicals have flocked to the UK, attracted by lax immigration controls, generous benefits and the ability to spread their views through respect for free speech.
Despite the 2005 London attacks and other Islamist plots, they say extremist networks are still allowed to flourish here, blaming a Government obsession with multiculturalism and “human rights”.
Commenting on the American criticism, Robin Simcox, a research fellow at the Centre for Social Cohesion think-tank, said: “The British Government has to be a better ally to the United States.
“It’s appalling that a nation that should be one of the US’s closest partners is providing a significant amount of its enemies.”
I'm sorry to say that some US based experts on radical Islam have a serious blindspot when it comes to the source of the main threat to the US.
What a pity that the US commentators didn't read their own press...
"The man charged with the Christmas bombing attempt of an airliner headed for Detroit took classes at an Islamic institute in Houston that has a branch in metro Detroit, an institute leader said Wednesday.
Nigerian defendant Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, 23, in federal custody in Milan, attended classes in 2008 in Houston at the AlMaghrib Institute, said institute Vice President Waleed Basyouni."
From the Metro Detroit paper.
Put this together with the presence for several years of an extremist training camp (complete with firing ranges, assault courses etc) in NEW YORK STATE (See Faith Freedom International: "The case of the missing muslims, why is Islamberg now a ghost town") and I hope my point is taken.
It would be just as reasonable to assume that Muttalib's radicalisation took place in the US.
the trajedy is that in the end it will be the US that suffers if it continues with the finger-pointing and castigation all those around it without adequately taking account of the truly "home-grown" threats.
Neither do I believe that the UK needs lessons about "ghettoisation" from the US, given the utterly squalid conditions under which the US is prepared to see its poorest citizens live and especially if we swop the words "muslims" for "blacks".
that said, the article is quite correct to point out that the UK has lax immigration controls and over-generous benefits for migrants and that the current government is over-obsessed with multi-culturalism.
this though is shifting - the new emphasis is on "social cohesion" (problem is no-one has yet truly defined what that means, never mind how to achieve it).
However, I do find it odd that a US based writer seems to be objecting to "freedom of speech" (much greater in the US than the UK) and "human rights" (ditto).
Posted by: jonc | January 02, 2010 at 04:23 PM
Excellent commentary jonc! I agree especially with the observation that the USA has a wide blind spot as to Islamist activities within it's own borders. Unfortunately the same ideologies and freedoms you list & we cherish facilitate muslim colonisation and proselytizing (in both countries).
I do agree tho' that Britain has long gone overboard with pandering to muslims - egregiously to the detriment of it's own indigenous population. That is simply wrong. But I fear that the USA, particularly under the current government, is not too far behind.
Posted by: TheOPINIONATOR | January 02, 2010 at 07:47 PM
I hope our friends in the US continue to point out the flaws in my country's political dogma. Because I don't think we can change it from within. Maybe our only hope will be from outside countries, such as the US. My fear is that we are all contaminated by the same pro-muslim, anti-Christian wickedness that is pervading the Western world.
Posted by: john in cheshire | January 03, 2010 at 08:34 AM
russia, the u.s.,britain, france,italy,etc,.-all making the same mistake:allowing too many migrants in who've been the de facto enemies of the pan european cultures since mohammad
Posted by: barry | February 02, 2010 at 06:06 PM