Another sickening instance of typical Modus Operandi for muslim thugs who frequently travel in packs in order to use their numbers to boost their gutless 'courage' to prey upon primarily lone victims or - as in this case - couples.
For other instances (far from complete) go to:
One of the victims, "Mr Hughes, of Milnrow, said: "I think they were just looking for an argument."
No, Mr. Hughes these sorry excuses for men were NOT just looking for an argument - they were specifically targeting non-muslims on which they can inflict their 'Qur'an inspired' hate and venom or Kuffarophobia (muslim hatred of non-muslims/infidels)
"The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter." SOURCE & VERSES
The media hides most muslim against non-muslim violence - first by trying to obfuscate the identities of the perpetrators under the ambiguous term "Asians" - then by perpetrating the myth of Islamophobia and that muslims/minorities are the victims of race and hate crimes more than other groups. Which is totally false.
The FACTS are:
"The British Crime Survey reveals that in 2004, ..... The number of violent attacks against whites reached 77,000, while the number of white people who reported being wounded was five times the number of black and minority ethnic victims at 20,000. Most of the offenders (57%) in the racially motivated crimes identified in the British Crime Survey are not white. White victims said 82% of offenders were not white.[8]"
One can also speculate that since the above report is from 2004 - the next time such statistics are compiled that the number of non-minority people injured or killed by racially motivated hate crimes will be far higher - and more white British people will look like Rob Hughes pictured below.
by Katie Storey
August 22, 2009
THIS is the battered face of Rob Hughes, who was left with the imprint of a trainer on his forehead and nose following a vicious gang attack.
Mr Hughes and his wife were set upon by 10 thugs as they waited for a taxi in Castlemere Street, Deeplish, Rochdale at about midnight last Saturday.
Trouble flared after the couple, who were standing on opposite sides of the street, began arguing about booking a taxi.
As they were doing so a car pulled over and the driver warned them to stop shouting in his street.
The man then returned with the three passengers followed by another car full of men, who jumped out and ran at Rob, 38, knocking him to the floor and kicking and punching his face.
More men then came running down the street to join in the attack as Mr Hughes crawled across the road to try and escape.
His terrified wife, 37, shouted at them to stop, but one of the men turned on her punching her in the face and knocking one of her teeth through her lip.
Then one of the thugs shouted to the gang to leave saying 'if we don't stop we're going to kill him'
The violent attack was over in minutes, but Mr Hughes has been left with blurred vision in his right eye and an abrasion across his eyeball.
He had two black eyes and a swollen nose with a footprint running from his forehead across the bridge of his nose and two chipped teeth.
He had also sustained cuts and bruises to his knees and elbows as he crawled across the floor to try and escape his attackers.
Mr Hughes, of Milnrow, said: "I think they were just looking for an argument.
"A group of them were congregated somewhere and the driver pulled up to get them, within three seconds they've all piled on to me - obviously there was intent. I knew I was going to get a hiding.
"The first thing that crossed my mind is that I hope none of these have got a knife.
"I fell on to my knees and hands and crawled along, I just thought if I stop down here I'm not going to get up again.
"It seemed to go on for ages, my jacket was ripped to smithereens, but they didn't take anything - they didn't want to rob me.
"I know this does happen a lot, but nothing like this has happened to us before, I think we were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
"In hindsight I'm more mad that they hit a women, I'm really glad I didn't see my wife get punched.
"I consider myself lucky to get out of it like I have."
A Greater Manchester Police spokesman said: "Shortly before midnight on Saturday 15 August 2009, a 38-year-old man and 37-year-old woman were assaulted by a group of about 10 men on Castlemere Street, Deeplish.
"The offenders are all described as Asian. The man and woman suffered facial injuries.
"Inquiries are continuing."
Thank you for highlighting these stories to us. You are right, the British media is quick to brush such stories under the carpet in the name of pandering to violent islamists. It is sickening just how much hate and violence comes from the muslim community, yet nothing is ever done about it. Heaven forbid, if the shoe was on the other foot though..locked up and thrown away the key. It's time for a massive upheaval. Even if it takes civil war to get the attention of our socialist masters.
Posted by: Angelica | August 22, 2009 at 05:54 PM
......and of course 10 Downing St. has the answer....more mohamedan immigration!
"We must be mad, literally mad...."
J. Enoch Powell
Posted by: Joe | August 22, 2009 at 06:36 PM
You Brits have brought this mess upon yourselves with your political correctness. Why don't you take back your country?
Posted by: Richard S. | August 22, 2009 at 08:03 PM
It easier said than done, Richard. Think orwellian control and a rabid pack of corrupt, tyrannical champagne socialists masking their sinister moves under the name of political correctness and appeasement. The government needs the boot, but know they are despised so refuse to give the general public their election. Even when they are booted out, it is going to be a long, hard process of cleanign up this mess. It requires radical maneouvres. For example, our foreign minister Milliband is an anti-semitic communist with a communist father. The mohamedan immigration is done deliberately to move us to the ultimate control of the E.U.S.S.R. You know what they say, a country divided is a country fallen :-(
Posted by: Angelica | August 23, 2009 at 04:07 AM
We have to take back our country and reverse the tide by any means possible or the future will be very bloody...
do you really think islam is here by accident!!
Posted by: Infadel Chris | August 23, 2009 at 10:05 AM
Go for it. Take back your country. It may come with a cost...
Posted by: Richard S. | August 23, 2009 at 08:53 PM
I just noticed that it doesn't say that they were muslim and the attack doesn't seem to have anything to do with Islam. They sound like just thugs to me... Not disputing the story, but I don't know, it just seems a bit flimsy... why are we clutching at straws? Put real stories up so everyone can believe us.
Posted by: Fiona | August 24, 2009 at 05:28 AM
Seriously? How and why would anyone think this story has anything to do with muslims and Islam? The story said they thugs were Asian! And something like this would have made front page of the Sun and Telegraph. It didn't. I say the whole story is made up. What are your sources? Oh wait, do you even need sources for a site like this? You need to get a life or get laid.
Posted by: Fred D | August 24, 2009 at 05:35 AM
""How and why would anyone think this story has anything to do with muslims and Islam? The story said they thugs were Asian!""
How many times does it have to be repeated that when the Police in the UK use the absurd term "Asian" it always ends up meaning Muslims of "Indian subcontinent" appearance
This attack took place in Rochdale, where there is a huige concentration of Pakistanis
I will bet my life savings that when they are eventually caught, they will be Muslims, and not Hindus or Sikhs
The loose term asian is a terrible injustice to the latter groups
Posted by: Keiran | August 24, 2009 at 06:25 AM
"The offenders are all described as Asian."
Why does dhimmi UK continue using this absurd term in order to be subservient to muslims? Asian? Were they Hindus, Sikhs, or Buddhists? I bet these thugs were Porkistani or Bangladesh muslims. Wake up UK and start to a spade a spade.
Posted by: IndianTiger | August 24, 2009 at 02:37 PM
Do gooders like Fiona and Fred D(above) don't help. People need to collectively get their heads out of the sand. Remember when that gang of pakistani muslims in the East End attacked and preyed on not one, but TWO christian priests and beat them in the faces? Well the police were so afraid of the 'repercussions' of the fury of the ever-furious muslim community that they chose not to classify it as a race hate crime. The appeasement in this country is unbelievable and sickening beyond belief.
Posted by: Angelica | August 24, 2009 at 05:58 PM
Posted by: fagla bhai | August 25, 2009 at 06:51 AM
Posted by: fagla bhai | August 25, 2009 at 06:53 AM
"Asian" A politically correct term from UK media to describe a muslim.
Posted by: Richard S. | August 25, 2009 at 09:28 AM
well there you go
reasoned and informative responses from a muslim
I'm sure these rochdale thugs were pakistani, living as they are in Rochdale (not bangladeshis)
and he tells us that more attcks will come soon
and he abuses a Hindu, perhaps rightly calling him a PUSSY as sadly the Hindus have been very fiar and pussy-footing to thes ebastards over the centuries
They should have shown no mercy when they won battles (like the muslims) and thrown the whole bleeding lot out of India and into the shit-hole Pakistan at partition
Posted by: Keiran | August 27, 2009 at 05:07 AM
"To understand what makes Muslims tick, you need to understand how utterly slavishly they imitate the founder of their death-cult, the charlatan and false prophet Mohammed.
Mohammed was a terrorist, murderer, sadist, rapist, pedophile, slaver, robber, extortionist, control-freak, liar and charlatan.
Okay, so nobody's perfect. But that unfortunately is the problem. Muslims are brainwashed from infancy into believing that Mohammed was indeed the perfect man, 'al-insan al-kamil and uswa hasana' the model of behavior for all those wishing to be obedient to Allah.
So to be a good Muslim is to be a robotic clone of the original founder of the the cult, whom you must emulate in every way, and in the process destroy your own individuality, judgement and conscience."
"...Islam is not about right and wrong thinking but correct behaviour. ... Morality is not a part of Islam. If there is a more fundamental difference between Islam and all other creeds and religions I do not know of it. It is so alien that the reader will have to consider its implications for some time to grasp the full meaning of it."
"...For the devout Muslim there is no place for conscience, compassion or empathy, only mobotic behavior patterns programmed by a long-dead psychopath. There is no morality to be had in Islam."
"...The muslim has no need for a conscience, because Mohammed's example determines what is right or wrong. If he wants to rape a nine year old girl or slaughter a few hundred kuffar then he will not be bothered by a guilty conscience, because the 'perfect man' has set the precedents."
More at
Posted by: Moss | August 31, 2009 at 05:28 AM
You Brits better start with educating your neighbors of this modern day Jihad Crusade that is over-running your Country.
Then, you need to start voting out the weak kneed, sissy politicians that won't do anything about these savages.
After you get some real men into office, get your free speech back and get ride of the political correct speech codes you have. This will allow you to operate web pages, and start radio talk shows so you can inform the public of the agenda and actions of the Muslims.
Finally, regardless how bad things get, never give up on the above items I listed.
The Muslims don't want to be like Britain's, they want the Britain's to be like them.
The Muslims don't want to integrate, they want to Dominate.
Posted by: Kevin | September 03, 2009 at 03:20 AM
You're doing great work. I'm glad I've found this blog. Well done.
Posted by: Flashbuck | September 05, 2009 at 07:17 AM
I'm an American, living in San Diego, California, and we have Latino gang violence that plagues neighborhoods throughout CA. As you probably know, our law enforcement doesn't put up with them and will hunt them down and arrest gang thugs if they're suspected of committing crime. I don't understand the liberal immigration policies going on in Europe, which is destroying London, Paris, and other wonderful places. And, where are all those British soccer hooligans when you need them? They need to go into these areas and kick some butt! Come on Brits, take care of this!
Posted by: Greg Weir | September 24, 2009 at 12:27 AM
Where are all the Brits who are willing to fucking fight for your own kind? Where the fuck are you? Your pathetic punk leaders aren't going to do it. Stand the fuck up.
Posted by: Tom | September 18, 2010 at 04:48 PM