I have chronicled many of the growing numbers of rapes perpetrated by muslim taxi drivers - but these rapes have all been of women - this latest victim of taxi driver rape is a man.
"A man was raped by a taxi driver who followed him into his block of flats after driving him home. The 20-year-old victim got into the cab at Quay Street in Manchester city centre in the early hours of Sunday after a night out. When the taxi arrived at Salford Quays, the driver refused to take payment. The man went into his flat block, but was grabbed by the driver as he waited for the lift. He was raped in the stairwell of the building, police said.
....The rapist was described as being in his late 20s or early 30s, dark skinned, possibly Asian, and of middle eastern or Iraqi appearance."
The horrible crime has left the violated young man "traumatised".
It is interesting that the taxi driver refused to take a fare from his soon-to-be victim as a fare played a role in another muslim taxi driver rape - although it was the NON payment of a fare. I suppose I could speculate that the muslim driver's not taking a fare was due to guilt - but that would rely on a morals system being in place - and a rapist with morals is a glaring dichotomy.
This above rape was not the only sexual assault - by a muslim - to happen this past weekend.
A 26 year old woman was walking alone in Walthamstow (North East London) when she was sexually assaulted by a man of "Asian appearance". The police are not treating it as a rape although the assault took place near where the heinous "Asian" "Night Stalker" is suspected of committing a rape and murder.
The "night stalker" has raped both men and women.
Not surprisingly - women in the area are feeling at risk - yet another woman received this response (or lack thereof) from the police:
".......... she was out jogging shortly before the attack took place when she was approached by an Asian man in a car, who made suggestive comments to her.
"When I told the police, they didn't really take much notice as they said women normally know their attackers," Ms Wright said." LINK
This lame generalization "women normally know their attackers" falls into the same category as the police recitation of what I call the BIG LIE - when discussing muslim rapes ------- "incidents like this are rare" ------- seems to be the favorite politically correct claptrap used. This BIG LIE is just about as accurate as the police reported low numbers of gun crimes in Britain.
I wonder if raped men also supposedly "know" their attackers? Clearly the young male victim above didn't know his.
** One less serious muslim related incident happened last Thursday in North East Leeds: Three 12 year old girls were walking when an "Asian" man approached them and wanted them to go into the bushes. Whilst making the demands the man exposed himself and then ran off. We should be thankful that this incident was just a "flash" yet it certainly isn't the experience one would want for a 12 year old child. LINK
Nevertheless people shouldn't worry ....undoubtedly police are sure that "incidents like this are rare".
It shouldn't surprise anyone that an Asian, probably a Muslim, would rape a male. They rape almost anything, including nanny goats and female dogs. Muslim homosexuals claim that they'll have 28 little queers waiting for them in a Muslim paradise. The Muslim heterosexuals claim that they will have 72 virgins waiting for them especially if they die as martyrs for Allah.
Posted by: Philip Saenz | June 22, 2009 at 09:13 PM
Who the hell are all these ASIANtaxi-driver rapists?
Koreans? Taiwanese? Or maybe they are among the gangs of seemingly polite camera toting Japanese tourists that can turn violent against infidels...erh I mean non Asians at the drop of a hat
Posted by: Joe Kaffir | June 22, 2009 at 11:24 PM
I'd add camels to Philip Saenz's list of what such monsters like to stick their genitals into. And let's not forget that Mein Qurampf 76:19 promises these nazi beasts, in addition to those 72 virgins, handsome boys of everlasting youth in their imaginary mahoundian heaven. Sex among males is extremely common among mahoundians, despite their supposedly outspoken hatred of homosexuals, but they just don't call it gay sex. They call it prison sex.
One can take a mahoundian out of Saudi Arabia, Egypt or Porkistan, but it's impossible to take Saudi Arabia, Egypt or Porkistan out of a mahoundian in most cases (those very few who have the brains to leave islam are the rare exceptions.) That's why these lowlifes will never assimilate into Western societies, and this is an extremely compelling reason to stop NuLabour's wholesale import of such scum into the UK.
Posted by: Proud_Kafir7908 | June 23, 2009 at 01:02 AM
I wish Britain would call a spade a spade and stop using "Asian" as a euphemism for "moslem"
The pc use of "ASIAN", so as to not upset the moslem population must surely be embarrassing to the real asians of Britian, such as the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans etc.
Posted by: Devlin | June 24, 2009 at 02:23 PM
Yes, Devlin, but to save themselves having to speak truthfully, people are quite willing to throw the Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, etc., under the bus. After all, the Japanese are not going to carry out jihads in response to the insult. This euphemism is cowardly, and doubly so since it stomps on innocent bystanders in order to escape what it fears.
Posted by: traeh | June 26, 2009 at 12:44 AM
Q: Why are camels referred to as "boats of the desert"?
A: They are full of Arab Seamen.
Posted by: Steve the Yank | July 07, 2009 at 04:57 PM
It's interesting that posters are correctly questioning the validity and usefulness of the term "Asian", but then they make the distinction from Japanese, Chinese, etc.
A more valid distinction would be between Muslim "Asians" and those who look like them, but are Hindus. The later do not display the behaviours of the Muslim "Asians" but are viewed in exactly the same poor light. The Indian Sikhs are , at least, somewhat protected from this association as they can be distinguished by their turbans
Posted by: Keiran | July 13, 2009 at 01:24 PM
hiya have logged onto research the growing problem of asian taxi drivers treating the country like the wild west my daughter 0f 12 was chased and beaten by two asian taxi drivers this week and the police are of no use at all just needed to tell somebody this incident occured in broad daylight and thank god she was not seriously hurt
Posted by: tim bloor | September 08, 2009 at 11:37 AM
lord what a crap of racist bullshit I wonder we still have people with such nazist sensibility of hatered mongers in our society.
Posted by: RJ | August 31, 2010 at 06:41 PM