Well here you have it the hypocritcal Anjem Choudary is a prime example of "Do as I say NOT as I do (did)" which included being guilty of anti-Sharia activities as drinking alcohol, using illegal drugs and gambling. He also engaged in viewing pornography and having sex outside marriage but premarital sex falls into an Islamic "grey area' -covered by sigheh.
The link between (child) pornography and muslim terrorism has been recently established as has the long time "open secret" of Islamic leaders and holy men encouraging, abeting and partaking of prostitutes.
The use of prostitutes is legitimatized by the Islamic answer/excuse to pre-marital and extra-marital sex with the situationally convenient sigheh or "temporary marriage" - which even allows for compensation to be paid to the woman/temporary bride.
The blink and your married - have sex - and blink your not married reminds one of the clicking of heels together like Dorothy's magical ruby slippers in the Wizard of Oz children's story.
Just like in the fairy tale -maybe that's what the hate spewing Choudary did - he clicked his magic muslim heels together - grew a beard - and turned from "living like an animal" into the epitome of a muslim hate cleric - spouting among many things - the Islamic takeover of the UK and implementation of punitive Sharia Law, death to non burka wearing muslim women AND declaring jihad against the infidels.
Swilling beer, smoking dope and leering at porn the other side of hate preacher "Andy" Choudary
by Neil Sears
The British live 'like animals in a jungle' with their alcohol, gambling, prostitution and pornography.
That is the stated view of Anjem Choudary, the preacher of hate who this week insulted the families of dead soldiers and branded their marching comrades as cowards.
The extremist wants Britain to be brought under Sharia law, with women forced to wear burkas and put to death for adultery.
Yet before he grew his beard and turned to fundamentalism, Choudary, 41, was very much the life and soul of the party at Southampton University.
Big night out: The university law student Anjem Choudary's reading list extended to this soft-porn title
New identity: Choudary, centre, moved to radical Islam soon after qualifying as a solicitor
Photographs obtained by the Mail suggest 'Andy' - as he was then known - should be inflicting on himself the 40 lashes he prescribes for drunkenness.
As well as downing cider and lager, the cleric is shown playing drinking games with cards, clearly forbidden under his strict Islamic laws, and holding a cannabis joint between his lips before smoking it.
And the woman on the cover of the Mayfair pornographic magazine he is looking at is certainly not wearing a burka.
On the evidence of friends from his student days, Choudary had sex with numerous white Christian girls.
Under his version of Sharia law, he should be stoned to death for sex outside marriage.
High time: Choudary with a beer and joint, and right, swigging a cider in one go
One former friend said: 'I can't keep a straight face when I see "fundamentalist Muslim Anjem Choudary" in the papers attacking the British for drinking or having girlfriends.
'When I knew him, he liked to be called Andy, would often smoke cannabis spliffs all day, and was proud of his ability to down a pint of cider in a couple of seconds.
'And he was ruthless with girls. When he briefly worked as an English teacher for foreign students in London, he'd pull one of them every few days, sleep with her, then move on to another.
'If Sharia law was introduced, he would have been whipped and stoned to death many times over.'
Choudary, who was born in South-East London to a market stall-holder of Pakistani descent, has become one of the faces of extremist Islam.
But in his days as a law student, he experimented with LSD, hallucinating and laughing hysterically for more than 20 hours.
After he qualified as a solicitor, however, he swiftly moved into ever more radical Islam.
Former acquaintances said this was possibly because he was angered by his failure to land a well-paid job with a big City law firm.
At a mosque in Woolwich he met notorious firebrand preacher Omar Bakri Mohammed and quickly became his right-hand man.
He also mixed with hook-handed demagogue Abu Hamza, who once called for bomb attacks on British civilian aircraft at a meeting chaired by Choudary.
Choudary, meanwhile, is an ever-more prominent spokesman for radical Islam in Britain - despite the fact that the two groups he ran with Bakri, Al Muhajiroun and Al-Ghurabaa, have been banned.
So he was quick this week to support the radicals who protested against Royal Anglian Regiment soldiers marching in Luton on their return from Iraq.
Outrageously, he called them 'cowards who cannot fight, as their uncanny knack for death by friendly fire illustrates'.
Yesterday, the father-of-three, who lives in East London on benefits from the state he so condemns, returned to the attack.
When it was suggested he was the most reviled man in Britain, he said: 'That's a badge I would wear with pride.'
He added that 'through jihad' - which he insists would be jihad of the word, rather than the sword - he sought 'a pure Islamic state with Sharia law in Britain'.
'Every woman, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, would have to wear a traditional burka,' he said. 'Anyone who becomes intoxicated by alcohol would be given 40 lashes in public, and people who commit adultery would be stoned to death.'
When confronted about his dubious past, Choudary, who is separated from his wife, denied it.
Last night, Bakri, speaking from Lebanon where he fled to four years ago, said: 'I don't believe the rumours against my good friend Mr Choudary are really true.'
Supported by Choudary, the Muslim protesters who demonstrated against the Royal Anglian Regiment on Tuesday defiantly returned to the streets of Luton yesterday, handing out leaflets criticising the 'racist British public'.
Britain's former most senior Muslim police officer, Tarique Ghaffur, called for the demonstrators to be brought to justice.
Tariq Mahmood, of the Islamic Cultural Society, based at Luton's Central Mosque, said the protesters were notorious for causing trouble.
'This small group of people is not representative of the Muslim community,' he said.
Fanatic Ibrahim Moussawi was yesterday finally denied a visa to enter Britain.
Home Secretary Jacqui Smith ruled the Hezbollah spokesman should not be allowed to travel here, despite at least two previous visits to the UK on her watch.
I've said it before and no doubt I'll say it again many times : why are these muslims so fucking ugly. I really think it is an outward manifestation of their black hearts.
Please God, send them all away from this country; to where I neither know nor care. Just away from here, so we can resume our natural life of secular christian civility.
Posted by: john in cheshire | March 15, 2009 at 11:42 AM
The german blog "Politically incorrect" also reports on the article by the Daily mail:
Posted by: Eichbaum | March 16, 2009 at 12:55 PM
I think it's quite ironic when he comments on soldiers dying in "friendly fire"; has he already forgotten that there have been several mosque explosions which was caused by the Allahorific Islamists when they have messed up making their suicide belts?
Lol - the guys a muppet.
Posted by: VampireJack | March 17, 2009 at 10:26 AM
This guy makes me so sick I just want to puke...all over his sickening face. How is this guy still in the UK alive? Shouldn't have some young Brit stud beat him to death by now in the back of some Mosque or shopping lot.
Posted by: Greg | March 24, 2009 at 10:08 PM
Wow, John from Cheshire, xenophobic much?
Anjem Choudhry is a dick, no doubt about it. He is a hypocrite who wants to instill Islamic law where it clearly does not belong. However, John, I don't think your Christian values are threatened by Islamic values. You can resume your normal life without being subjected to it because Islamic law will never be introduced in Britain.
It's sad. I'm an ex-Muslim and pretty secular. My family belongs to a pacifist Islamic sect which is hated by the mainstream Sunni sect (I say that generally, my best friend is a Sunni). My point is that there are peaceful people out there who respect British law - my parents, my community being part of that group. It's sad to see that people generalise Muslims in one box.
How would you like it, John, if I started to compare your Christian values, to the ones of Fred Phelps and Westboro Baptist Church? You might be a different sect, but there are different sects in other religions to. Open your mind a bit.
Anyway, I still think Anjem Choudry is a hypocritical ass.
Posted by: oddinnuendo | March 28, 2009 at 01:19 AM
Tariq Mahmood, of the Islamic Cultural Society said: 'This small group of people is not representative of the Muslim community.
But it is representative of islam. It is a representative of mohammeds mind-set.
Oddinuendo - is it possible you have not studied the koran or the hadiths intensely enough?
You can quote all you like the peaceful edicts during the prophets earlier stages of his career. But when he no longer had cause to fear his opponents he put them to death.
You can only accept the authority of the koran in total or reject it. It is a 'perfect' book which can never be changed. There can be no critisism either. Apostasy is punishable by death. I rejected it once I'd read it with an open mind.
Regarding 'Christian' values. Christians base them on the life and words of Jesus. 'Islamic' values are based on the life and words of mohammed. When you strip away the religious contents of Christianity there is still something left for the secular mind. A study of mohammeds life will see that in his case this is not possible. He was a thief, liar, murderer and rapist -it's all in the koran, how many quotes do you want?
I'm happy that you belong to a pacifist islam. But you do not represent islam. You would not survive in Iran or Saudi Arabia with your gentle ways. Indeed, muslims should not be herded into one category but believing in mohammeds mission compromises them all.
Posted by: ex-muslim | April 06, 2009 at 04:11 AM
Blogs are good for every one where we get lots of information for any topics nice job keep it up !!!
Posted by: dissertation writing | June 11, 2009 at 01:28 AM
Hello this its very important The use of prostitutes is legitimatized by the Islamic answer/excuse to pre-marital and extra-marital sex with the situationally convenient sigheh or "temporary marriage" - which even allows for compensation to be paid to the woman/temporary bride. John B. Barnhart
Posted by: John B. Barnhart | September 24, 2009 at 04:34 PM
which included being guilty of anti-Sharia activities as drinking alcohol
Posted by: BGS | September 28, 2009 at 12:16 PM
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Posted by: Viagra Online | November 06, 2009 at 06:06 PM
It is very easy to "pray" for these ppl to leave and another altogether to MAKE them leave.
Small groups, small actions
soon will mount up.
In the US now (because of yet another attack by the mussies)seems like PC speech will finally be overwhelmed by the actual truth.
An islamist who wants to tear down democracy and replace it with sharia, come on now, get some balls and do the right thing for our beloved kin who have given their lives in wars for the ideal of freedom!
Posted by: blakbird | November 08, 2009 at 01:07 AM
All islamic countries live like animals.
Posted by: buy acomplia | April 08, 2010 at 06:24 AM
I think if islam does not allow drinking and all bad deeds so muslims should never do these bad deeds.
Posted by: Best Dissertation Writing Services | January 26, 2012 at 06:20 AM