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March 27, 2009


Joel B.

5 1/2 years?!!!

These guys should be sentenced to a MINIMUM of 20 years... preferably LIFE behind bars given that there are multiple counts.

Philip Saenz

What is all that crap about the English not doing anything about child rape because they're afraid being called racists? Tell the truth, Brits. The truth is that you're afraid to tangle with violent Muslims. This crap would never happen in my country, USA.


That is truly fucked up.

I don't think it's the fact that they are Muslim that they are pedophile rapists though (and no, I'm not a Muslim apologetic, far from it). It says in the post that they drugged up the girls with drugs and alcohol (which are both forbidden in Islam)

I must say though, that they would have had the patriarchal characteristics instilled into them by culture and religion in order for them to do something like that. I wouldn't primarily blame Islam though.

I find it completed screwed up that the authorities are afraid of doing anything about it because they don't want to be labeled racists. It's time to stop tip-toeing around culture and religion - especially if it is affecting society negatively!

john in cheshire

muslims truly are disgusting; in every respect. They don't have any saving qualities and the sooner a national movement is up and running, which will expel all of them from this country, the better for all of us; especially women.
What disgusts me as much is that there must be white policemen in the areas where these muslims are operating, who have children of their own, and who cannot even empathise with the white parents whose daughters have been so violated. Just the thought of having one of those ugly muslim men touching my child would cause me to enforce the law to its full extent. Yet they have by their omission, condoned child sex. How can they live with themselves. How can you ever trust the police after this.

D Rogers

Well... the UK already has sharia law courts. There's the solution right there. If you send these child-lovers to sharia courts for judgement, you'll learn that it isn't against sharia to have sex with children. Problem solved. I imagine nonMuslim pedophiles might consider converting.

The other thing is that guy saying the US would never tolerate such behavior.. He's wrong. In the US we also allow Muslims extreme liberties out of fear of their violence.

Philip Saenz

D. Rogers, how many pedophiles in the USA have gone scott free whether they are Muslims, or pedophiles of other faiths? Many pedophiles of different faiths are rotting in jail this very minute in USA jails. There aren't any pedophiles that have gone scott free. We don't tolerate pedophiles in the USA!!!!!


'Italy's Fritzl' taught
son to rape: police
Italian police say they have arrested a man for forcing his daughter to have sex with him for 25 years, prompting comparisons to the high-profile case of Austria's Josef Fritzl.

Michele Mongelli, a 64-year-old junk vendor had allegedly raped his daughter, now 34, regularly since she was nine-years-old, Italian newspapers reported.

He was arrested a few days ago while his son, Guiseppe, has been in police custody since last month accused of raping his four daughters aged six, eight, 12 and 20 and forcing them to watch the sex sessions.

Deputy prosecutor of the northern city of Turin, Pietro Forno, said the father "passed his behaviour on to one of his sons."

"I've dealt with many incest cases but this is the worst I have ever seen," he was quoted as saying in The Times.

"It appeared to be a normal family," he said, adding that no evidence of abuse towards the other children had emerged.

Both the father and the son have strongly denied the allegations against them, the ANSA news agency reported.

The older man's victim — under the pseudonym Laura — was forced to live in a darkened room, had not been to school since she was 13 and was only allowed out with her dad who "completely dominated her psychologically", according to Forno.

"The young woman is suffering from personality disorders because of the prolonged incestuous situation and mistreatment," he said.

"A psychiatric evaluation has determined that the situation was one of very serious distress."

A Turin police spokesman said the woman had reported in 1994 that she was being raped but her claims were dismissed after her father convinced police she was "disturbed".

"It appears that this horrific sexual abuse continued for another 15 years," the spokesman was quoted as saying in the UK's Daily Mirror.

The investigation began in October, when Laura lodged a complaint against her brother, accusing him of holding her prisoner and raping her for two weeks after she fled to his home following an argument with their father.

The probe involved phone taps on the family home and the use of electronic listening devices, according to Italian newspaper La Repubblica.

Interceptions revealed both men had used "vulgar and threatening" language towards the women in the family.

Guiseppe's eight-year-old daughter had been told to "get into bed, if you’re asleep you won’t feel a f---ing thing."

Mongelli's wife and Laura's mother, Caterina, was part of the household which was home to three of the other children, including one with a physical handicap.

She blasted the accusations as "all lies", according to Daily Mirror.

"None of this is true… he only kept her inside because he was worried about her. Any father would do the same," she was quoted as saying.

Guiseppe's lawyer Antonio Foti also claimed his client was innocent.

The five alleged victims are under psychological care at a shelter.

Austrian incest fiend Josef Fritzl received a life sentence last week for the repeated rape of his daughter over 24 years during which he kept her in an underground hideaway and fathered seven children with her.
Don't belive me? And this time one can say that the source of information is reliable!


'Italy's Fritzl' taught
son to rape: police
Italian police say they have arrested a man for forcing his daughter to have sex with him for 25 years, prompting comparisons to the high-profile case of Austria's Josef Fritzl.

Michele Mongelli, a 64-year-old junk vendor had allegedly raped his daughter, now 34, regularly since she was nine-years-old, Italian newspapers reported.

He was arrested a few days ago while his son, Guiseppe, has been in police custody since last month accused of raping his four daughters aged six, eight, 12 and 20 and forcing them to watch the sex sessions.

Deputy prosecutor of the northern city of Turin, Pietro Forno, said the father "passed his behaviour on to one of his sons."

"I've dealt with many incest cases but this is the worst I have ever seen," he was quoted as saying in The Times.

"It appeared to be a normal family," he said, adding that no evidence of abuse towards the other children had emerged.

Both the father and the son have strongly denied the allegations against them, the ANSA news agency reported.

The older man's victim — under the pseudonym Laura — was forced to live in a darkened room, had not been to school since she was 13 and was only allowed out with her dad who "completely dominated her psychologically", according to Forno.

"The young woman is suffering from personality disorders because of the prolonged incestuous situation and mistreatment," he said.

"A psychiatric evaluation has determined that the situation was one of very serious distress."

A Turin police spokesman said the woman had reported in 1994 that she was being raped but her claims were dismissed after her father convinced police she was "disturbed".

"It appears that this horrific sexual abuse continued for another 15 years," the spokesman was quoted as saying in the UK's Daily Mirror.

The investigation began in October, when Laura lodged a complaint against her brother, accusing him of holding her prisoner and raping her for two weeks after she fled to his home following an argument with their father.

The probe involved phone taps on the family home and the use of electronic listening devices, according to Italian newspaper La Repubblica.

Interceptions revealed both men had used "vulgar and threatening" language towards the women in the family.

Guiseppe's eight-year-old daughter had been told to "get into bed, if you’re asleep you won’t feel a f---ing thing."

Mongelli's wife and Laura's mother, Caterina, was part of the household which was home to three of the other children, including one with a physical handicap.

She blasted the accusations as "all lies", according to Daily Mirror.

"None of this is true… he only kept her inside because he was worried about her. Any father would do the same," she was quoted as saying.

Guiseppe's lawyer Antonio Foti also claimed his client was innocent.

The five alleged victims are under psychological care at a shelter.

Austrian incest fiend Josef Fritzl received a life sentence last week for the repeated rape of his daughter over 24 years during which he kept her in an underground hideaway and fathered seven children with her.
Don't belive me? And this time one can say that the source of information is reliable!


EXCUSE ME oddinnuendo.
who the hell are to say this stuff about muslims, well before you say anything about other religion look at your own people who bloody going around rape their OWN daugther and also you a see a 13 year old boy have sex with a 15 year old girl. WHAT kind of teaching is that.

Can you please look at this way. When your people do something wrong do we generalise it for the rest of yous. NO we have a our lives.

oh and aslo you type of people should be expelled from this country for having NO RESPECT for other religions.
when you find some respect then come and talk!!!!!


lol proud2bemuslim, I'm an ex-Muslim.

Expelled from the country? Yeh right. It's not MY people sleeping around, so don't put me in a box.

I have googled this article though and cannot find any mainstream media coverage on it, so I think this is bull. The closest link I could find was to the BNP so that explains it.


Well, considering Islam was created by a paedo, can one actually expect it's adherents to behave differently.

Rember Mohammet(piss be upon him)married Ayisha at 6 years old and deflowered her at 9 years old.

The whole bloody faith disgusts me.


Heres another couple of link to the story. If you need another one until you can make out the facts feel free to ask.

Taliban uk

we will take over your country hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahqahah
fuk u kafirs


God, I hate Islam. I hate anyone who would willingly follow this death cult of a sociopathic religion. I hate Muslims just for being Muslims; if they were decent people they would leave Islam and not be Musliums. Death to Islam, the cancer of humanity! Let's bring the war on an and rid the planet of these fuckers!


Taliban uk, as an American president once said, "Bring it on." You fucking sand monkey followers of a perverted pedeaphile murdering animal are really pushing it, and it will not be long before you cunts will be pulled from your flats one by one and learn the limits of Brit patience the hard way. Filthy Islamic scum!




“A man can have sex with animals such as sheeps, cows, camels and so on. However, he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village; however, selling the meat to the next door village should be fine.”
From Khomeini's book, "Tahrirolvasyleh"

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khomeini's Religious Teachings on Marriage, Divorce and Relationships (Parvin Darabi, USA-based Dr. Homa Darabi Foundation website, Jun 10, 2006: "A man can marry a girl younger than nine years of age, even if the girl is still a baby being breastfed. A man, however is prohibited from having intercourse with a girl younger than nine, other sexual act such as forplay, rubbing, kissing and sodomy is allowed. A man having intercourse with a girl younger than nine years of age has not comitted a crime, but only an infraction, if the girl is not permanently damaged. If the girl, however, is permanently damaged, the man must provide for her all her life. But this girl will not count as one of the man's four permanent wives. He also is not permitted to marry the girl's sister."
hahah...we are human , you are only a subhuman followwer of a mass murdering serial rapist and peadophile who made up a god that's been proven to be a go back to your goat {ie, your mother...I've finished with her...and no, I don't come inside any animals like you subhumans do...I don't even hump you do.ROFLMFAO!!!!


only solution is the complete destruction of islam, To muzzies who think you are going to take over Great Britain, remember that when your marching up to the gallows, inbred pakistani morrons, don't worry the babyboomer generation that let you filth shits in are retiring soon and when they're gone so are you.


I am not sure, exactly, why it is that the "civilized", nations of Europe, & Austraila & North america, are allowing immigration, into their countries, of either, Muslims, or Africans,..Please tell me,..exactly, what, of a positive nature, have either of these "groups", ever contributed to the more "civilized", societies that they "contaminate", by their, degrading presents,.


Taliban uk you do not know how you are hated already!i feel you cannot know how the uk public are gearing up to burn your heartless souls,you were never kind and human people!,you are sad excuses for human beings,your religion is an abomination and will be defeated at any cost!get ready for your long sleep with the pigs,no virgins will ever be in your life or death


The comments by Darius, Muslim4lyf, oddunindo and proud2be muslim show both the similarities and differences between islamic and non-Islamic culture.

The similarity is that pedophiles and pedophilia exist within them both in all their various hideous forms.
The difference is that only in Islam is the founder of that religion a pedophile himself and so, even today, we have "great leaders" like Khomeini 'legitimising' pedophilia in their statements not to mention the continued practice of 'child-marriage' within sections of the Umma.

Khurram Ahmed

The above site is best for you freaks...

Who talk rubbish about islam & Prophet Mohammed (PBUH).

You fools look at your bloody culture & society....first..Naked people in every sense...


Islam is filth and destroys the soul. Satanic reverence for a pedophile and murderer can only bring destruction, not salvation. Repent you muslim deviants while you can.


Why don't all you muslims follow your clerics instructions and self deport. They have already said that all muslims should leave the britain, and the U.S.A. If our culture is disgusting to you, well leave.

Peter Albrighton

Pakistani youths are taught by their older peers on how to seduce underage teenage girls of other religions (christian, hindu, sikh) in order to convert them to Islam, they are taught that they will be given a guaranteed place in heaven for doing so.

It overrides all other moral arguments in their heads, most people would be stopped by their conscience but if you believe the almighty wants it then there are no barriers.

Their older peers even facilitate their activities, for example their father will lend them his BMW/merc in order to give them more chance of success.

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