Recently a BBC announcer was sacked/fired for requesting a "non Asian taxi driver" to transport her young unaccompanied 14 year old daughter. (Out of concern for her daughter's fears/mental well being & safety)
Of course, the "racist" club was trotted out by the mainstream media and others to verbally bludgeon Sam Mason for having the audacity to demand an "English driver". But was Sam Mason really exposing her racism or was she reacting, as any mother would, to the facts that there is a ongoing epidemic of muslim taxi driver rapes in the UK? (Note: the media prefers the more vague term "Asian")
Not surprising - the mainstream media, is aiding and abetting these rapes, by refusing to "connect the dots" and report on the clear evidence: The growing numbers of predatory muslim taxi drivers (some posing as taxi drivers)raping British girls and women.
Here are some - but far from all - examples of muslim taxi driver rapists:
Abul Malik. 29. raped 19 yr. old female student - he was angry she didn't have all the fare money - Oct 2008
Salam Rahman, 27, and his friend, 26-year-old Mohammed Elahi - along with two other men - gang raped two woman - a newlywed and a city worker - Aug 2002 (Police said after the case that they feared these were not isolated cases and appealed for any woman who may have suffered a similar attack to come forward.)
Assadullah Razaq, 31, raped 28 yr. old secretary - Mar 2003
Mohanid Al obaydi, raped 22 yr old woman (was found guilty), Apr 2005
Ghulam Haider, 49, brutally raped 16 yr old gir,l Aug 2006
Murtaza Mateen, aged 47, lured 42 year old woman into his taxi & raped her, Jan 2007
Shahjahan Islam, 27, linked by DNA to attempted rape of lone young woman, Nov 2008
Rami Kayyali, 26, found guilty of raping young woman, Nov 2008
Asian - bogus taxi driver, in his mid-20s, wanted for attempted rape of 18 yr. old girl, Mar 2008
Asian male, aged in his late 20s or early 30s, wanted for brutal rape of 24 yr old woman, Aug 2008
Asian "taxi driver", in his 40s, sought in rape of teenager, Nov 2008
Also disgustingly prevalent are examples of dhimmi members of the British police denying and intentionally obfuscating of the epidemic of muslim taxi drivers raping British women:
"Speaking after Kayyali's conviction, Detective Sergeant Andy Willmott said: “Thankfully these types of crimes are very rare, but that makes it no less distressing for the young woman subjected to an attack by this man."
"Detective Inspector Terry Sweeney, from Stockport CID, said: "This was a horrifying experience that no woman should ever have to go through. While we like to reassure women that incidents like this are relatively few and far between, nonetheless a woman has been raped and the man responsible is still at large. So women should be very careful when getting into taxis and make sure they are legitimate."
Denial is bad but some other members of the law enforcement were crass & negligent enough to place a semi naked woman - who police believed had just been raped by a taxi driver - back into a taxi ALONE rather than providing her with safe transportation home.
So can we really blame Sam Mason for being worried about her 14 year old daughter traveling alone with an "Asian" driven mini cab/taxi? Was she being "racist" - or is she a realist?
Rape is prevalent in the Muslim workd probably because women are seen beneath male Muslims. For starters, women are second class or less to Muslim males. A few Muslim ahadith follow: "Women are your prisoners; treat them well, if necessary beat them but not severely...," Tirmidhi, 104. The problem is that no one knows what "not severely" means.
Muslim males see women as evil so they're allowed to disrespect them: "Seek refuge from a woman, a servant, and cattle -- they are evils...," Sunaan ibn Majah, 3.1918.
Muslim males follow Muhammad's example: Aisha, Muhammad's child bride complained that Muhammad beat her, and that his "followers treated women like dogs and asses..., Sahih Muslim, 3.1039.
Old Muslim males are allowed to "marry" prepubescent little girls,(Sura 65 Verses 1,4).
Since females are seen without rights, females become fair game to Muslim males. Subsequently, rampant rapes follows in the Muslim world.
Posted by: Philip Saenz | November 28, 2008 at 04:19 PM
Will the next Winston Churchill please come forward!
Posted by: Joe Kaffir | November 29, 2008 at 12:46 AM
it's time to nuke one billion sand monkeys. They're sick. And the ones we don't nuke, let's have gorillas rape them! That is, if the gorillas aren't sickened by the prospect of slumming it.
Posted by: drew rosenman | November 29, 2008 at 12:48 AM
There is no shame in Islam. God however will have something to say to these men, as they take their last ride to an everlasting hell.
Posted by: Tim | November 29, 2008 at 04:48 AM
Islam is a cancer & we treat cancer with radiation.. are nukes such a bad idea then ??
Posted by: chris | November 29, 2008 at 07:07 AM
I am reminded at how SEATO's response to a communist china invasion was to use tactical nuclear weapons on the battlefield. However it was discovered that the world can only take so many nuclear explosions before the environment capitulates and the world is plunged into a nuclear winter. So, there's no easy solution guys.
Posted by: Jeremy | November 29, 2008 at 08:16 AM
I'm thinking it may be time to start fighting fire with fire. Take all our death row inmates and train them for suicide missions all around the Islamic world, blowing up the most popular and crowded mosques on Fridays with the most powerful explosives we can strap on a guy, starting with Islamabad, Karachi, and Lahore. Then ask for terminally ill volunteers to work their way around the Islamic world blowing the living crap out of malls, souks, mosques, hotels, and anywhere there are a lot of muslims - including the Muslim neighborhoods in England, Scotland, Denmark, France, Spain, Canada, US, etc, etc. Let's just start blowing the crap out of these people. I'm tired of playing nice and "tolerant."
Posted by: Gary | November 29, 2008 at 09:01 AM
Try living as a Western woman in an Islamic country like I had to do for almost a year. You are a thing not a person to these animals. Muslim women are treated with a tad of respect. As an infidel female you are just a piece of meat to be eaten up.
Posted by: Mary Ann S. | November 29, 2008 at 09:06 AM
There were so many Paki taxi drivers running around Birmingham without licenses, that the council just had to do something.... know what they did? They offered a grant of upto £2.000 for those who would come forward and become legit. How nice eh?
Posted by: Art | November 29, 2008 at 11:41 AM
Heck, I would do the same thing.
I would never put my daughter in a cap with one of them. They don't see her as human.
Call me what ever you want, as long as she is safe.
If putting her in a cab with an "Asian" exposes her to a 5% chance of rape compared to a 0.05% chance with an English driver you damn right I'll request and English driver.
To do other wise is to invite disaster.
Posted by: Sean | November 29, 2008 at 01:40 PM
Next time a British girl is raped or even looked at askance by one of these Muzzie animals, thousands of young British studs ought to start taking cabs and asking the Muzzie drivers to take them down a nice, quiet street, then have him pull over and just beat the living sh+t out of him. Beat him to a pulp just because he IS a Muzzie driver. Do this all over Britain after every attack on a British girl and you'll see how quickly they get the message.
Posted by: Bill Abong | November 29, 2008 at 05:48 PM
Most of these rapes take place in minicabs, or more often bogus minicabs. Minicabs should be banned and only proper taxis with "Taxi" lamps on the roof be allowed.
Advice to women - text the licence plate number to a trusted friend or relative before getting in a cab and tell the driver you've done it.
Posted by: Stephen Gash | November 29, 2008 at 07:41 PM
I think she should have been given an award and raise for taking her responsibility as a mother
so seriously.Not fired. Too few parents take sufficient care these days.
Posted by: Joy | November 30, 2008 at 01:38 AM
Does anybody else think that at the present situation we are in in the Western world that things are like in 1942; only now our governments are telling us the equivalent of, 'No, no, not all the Germans want to destroy our civilisation. Only a handful of extremists. Nazi-ism itself isn't bad, just the way a TINY MINORITY abuse it ! Also, most of the Japanese are peace loving. Only a TINY MINORITY were respobnsible for Pearl Harbour, and then again, maybe the evil Yanks did it themslves to put the blame on the innocent Axis powers !!!"
Posted by: jerry | November 30, 2008 at 08:24 PM
Hey Jerry,
I have to agree with you. I would have done the same as Sam and agree with Sean and also with the rest of the comments on this.
Bob A.
Posted by: Bob A. | December 01, 2008 at 06:59 AM
There is nothing the religion of peace values any more than their women and children.§ion=0&article=116863&d=1&m=12&y=2008&pix=kingdom.jpg&category=Kingdom
Posted by: seeteufel | December 01, 2008 at 03:40 PM
When Ken Livingstone was Mayor of London he had some ads made to highlight the danger of lone women getting unlicensed mini-cabs. It was filmed so that you could not get a good look at the driver until the end:he was white!!
Posted by: Richard | December 01, 2008 at 03:42 PM
Sounds like a real good reason to join and support the BNP. They might well be the best hope for the UK.
Posted by: caucasiannation | December 02, 2008 at 06:02 PM
In the 1970's and 1980's I'd have regarded the BNP and its predecessor the National Front as fascists and skinheads. Now I'm inclined to think they may be our only hope for survival in a world of political correctness gone completely mad. It is now obvious that we in the West are in the middle of a war; one loosely declared on us by a rag-tag coalition of psychotic religious fanatics, tacitly supported by many, if not most of that religion's adherents, who originally came to our countries precisely to get away from the madness engulfing their own lands. Now they want to turn OUR countries into replicas of the places they left ? Where's the sense in that ?
However worse than them are the Quislings in our own countries, yes, our own people who are trying to destroy our culture by this ludicrous 'multiculturism' on a huge scale. I remember an Indian or Pakistani restaurant was a novelty in the UK. And a pleasant evening out. What is not so pleasant is the presence of hundreds of thousands of these people, DEMANDING we change our ways to suit their demands.
I presume you could change Indians and Pakistanis above for Moroccans and Algerians in France, Turks in Germany and Mexicans in the USA. My own place with a slight foreign flavour now and again, when I want it,is OK by me, but I don't want my cities to end up resembling the worst parts of Karachi, Tangiers, Istanbul or Juarez. Nor, it is plain to see, do most others.
Posted by: jerry | December 03, 2008 at 04:23 AM
Your govt is currently justifying bringing in 5,000 Paki halal butchers. THAT ought to help!?!?!?
Posted by: allahlovesporkchops | December 03, 2008 at 11:43 AM
Sorry, but this article strikes me as a bit sensationalist. I'd like to see the supporting data provide a more clear-cut comparison between rapes committed by caucasian taxi drivers (and see these incidents against the larger picture of all reported/estimated rape cases over the six+ year period you mention) before being able to make an informed decision of whether this is truly an 'epidemic' or not.
Posted by: Thom | December 03, 2008 at 12:58 PM
You muslims never believe anything bad that you do. You just refute the evidence and say " We just don't believe the story" and that's that. You take no responsibilty for any of your actions and the world is becoming sick and tired of your disgusting culture and religion of hatred and violence. I agree with the rest of the British people who have made their comments. It's time that we take matters into our own hands and show you sub-humans a little lesson regarding proper behaviour in Western society.
Posted by: skye | December 06, 2008 at 04:17 PM
the only person who made a sensible and a clever intelligent comment is Thom. the rest of the comments i read r just brainwahed sheeps absorbing what the media says. sure there r 'muslim' taxi drivers razling girls and women at the back seat, but this shit happens everyday by taxi drivers no matter what race. but the media, as usual, points out only the muslim doing which is typical of thses zionist islam-haters media. they can turn the whole west against the muslims but it'll only make us stronger and they aint never gonna break us.
" the hour will not come untill muslims suffer hardship from trangressors all around the world." nuff said, peace.
Posted by: the wise | December 10, 2008 at 11:07 PM
Your labour government is doing well. It looks like our left wing government in Holland
Posted by: dercks | December 11, 2008 at 05:27 AM
If you cheked with the statistics of the prison service you will find that rape is a crime [in terms of percentage] which is more commonly committed by white males and figures on Vulnerable prisoner units have very few asian or black men.
Posted by: Parvinder Singh | December 12, 2008 at 07:25 PM