The below blog shows us how rampant Third World immigration (particularly muslim) is bringing problems and demands to pull Western countries back to the Dark Ages laws and mores.
This blog and shows that Canada is experiencing a similar negative impact from muslim immigration as are the UK, Europe and also the USA. Wherever muslims congregate they make problems for the indigenous populations. Yet, our governments insist upon inflicting them, en masse, upon us causing the contortion of our lives and the destruction of our traditions and culture all in the futile effort to keep from "offending muslims".
Offending muslims or (the myth of) Islamophobia have been placed in the same level as the term "racist" - in fact they have become synonymous primarly due to dhimmi politicians, Western hating multiculturalists & media elites and, of course, muslim apologists. This occurs even though muslims are not a race - a fact the mainstream media occasionally trots out - when it suits their purposes. How many times have we read or heard someone preface a comment or statement of clear fact regarding muslims or any minority group with "I'm not a racist, but......"?
Never before has one word been (mis) used to cower so many as the word "racist" and to force people from speaking the truth (about Islam).
article in full:
By Dick Field Wednesday, November 26, 2008
“It is unfair to depict us Muslims as potential terrorists.” “I am so upset that people avoid me in public or stare at me just because I wear a hijab.” “Why is it we Muslims can’t just be treated like anyone else?” “The border authorities are obviously stopping me because they are racially profiling me.” “It is pure racism; all Americans and Canadians are racists, just because we are different; you people think it is OK to insult our religion; but you wouldn’t allow anyone to insult your religion?” “We are not all Jhihadists, you know.”
More and more we become depressed with Muslim complaints about how they are wrongly depicted in North America. Many of these complaints about our open societies come from Muslim leadership, rational or radical, but we also have to bear them from countless ordinary Muslim men and women. The latter complainants are almost always levied by those who insist on deliberately flaunting their religious dress in all public places at all times and insist on challenging our laws to accommodate their peculiarities.
Tears appear as they cry that we are unfairly “Islaphobic,” (a new buzz word supposedly meaning an irrational and prejudicial view towards the believers of Islam). We are said to be racist, discourteous, unwilling to accept differences and labeled with a hundred other unpleasant names. “We are after all, Canadians just like everyone else,” they insist.
We are told that Muslims don’t like our dress, our laws, our religion, our form of dating, and our form of marriage relationships. They cannot stand the idea of a family member marrying outside their religion.
None of their home countries, where Islam is in the majority, are free and democratic yet they still push everywhere to institute their religious law in one form or other in the West. Frankly, we have yet to see a western non-Muslim suicide bomber? Or a western wife executed by the State for being found in a car with a strange man. Or a western daughter killed by her father for disobeying her father by dating a non-Muslim schoolmate.
In many countries across the Islamic world, the execution and murder of Christians are regular occurrences, either because they have converted from Islam or were said to have tried to convert Muslims to Christianity. Frankly, Christianity gave up that game back in the 16th century. We were very good at burning people at the stake for some 350 years. But eventually we learned that priests and learned men can be very cruel and unjust in the name of the Almighty.
It is aggravating to witness Muslims insisting on moving here and indulging themselves in the luxuries of the West, its educational institutions and its freedoms, while isolating themselves from their non-Muslim neighbours to the extent that they are building new insular Muslim communities across the country, designed to encourage and promote their tribal Muslim lifestyles. “I feel so comfortable living with my own kind,” one young lady was heard to say. Really, then please do consider going to another country because we really don’t want neighbours that cannot relate comfortably with us because of their religion or lifestyles. We do get upset at all those crocodile tears.
To be fair, Muslims are not alone in bringing unfortunate traits to the West or to this country. Not so long ago, we were a relatively peaceful society. Not filled with habits and practices that were totally unacceptable to Canadians. We have had a plane blown out of the sky by Sikh extremists; Kirpans (religious knives) in the schools; turbans in our RCMP and Christian traditions abused.
Coffins are now paraded week after week, filled with the corpses of young Black teens and children whose deaths in one way or other are the result of a completely alien drug trade that scarcely existed before their parent’s arrival. To say nothing of the murders and beatings of ordinary citizens who have been unluckily in the wrong place at the wrong time. Immigrant groups such as these add little to our society and much to our social deconstruction.
There are of course many fine people, the majority of those who come from the ethnic groups referred to, but unfortunately the few unfairly tarnish the reputation of the many. Those of us who have lived here long before these mass arrivals of different cultures have had to witness these many negative changes. There is little we have been able to do to change things for the better. We have been bullied by our governments into keeping quiet for fear of being penalized; by name calling, and by much unfair denigration.
We are told by our government that the reason for all this mayhem of improper and incompatible immigrant intake is because we must grow our population in order to pay government pensions to our old and provide workers for our continued economic expansion. This is total nonsense, espoused by half-baked international socialist utopians and damn poor mathematicians.
In actuality, all it would require to halt this unnecessary massive immigration would be to produce one-half more children per family (a statistical one half). This could be done very quickly if our penalizing taxes were rebalanced to favour families with one income and also working two-parent families. It would also help solve our overburdened health, educational, social housing, poverty and other infrastructure problems.
We are told it is our responsibility to rescue all hard pressed people from socially and politically backward countries. Refugees they call them. It is a long time since the true refugees from Viet Nam or Uganda needed a home. Backward countries have to solve their own problems where the fundamental wealth of those countries can sustain their populations, if of course they can ever get themselves organized along peaceful and productive pathways. We can never transfer enough of their needy populations to make the slightest difference. Let us continue to help them there as much as possible.
It is a fool’s game to bring such backwardness to our shores and expect a successful result. Further, it is selfish to strip these countries of their best and brightest professionals and skilled workers when they are so badly needed at home. We have lots of wealth and ingenuity here to develop from within and from our own people.
If we do not stop incompatible people; people not ready to adapt to our country, from coming here, we will continue to suffer further declines in our civilization and very expensive losses of wealth and freedom as our governments increasingly pass draconian speech and other laws to prevent our citizens from being hostile to our new minorities (and new minorities to other minorities).
Our governments have unfortunately made the majority “Official Racists” by means of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms * a document that permits special laws to forever protect racialized (their word) newcomers from those of us that happen to be members of the majority. So desperate are our governments to keep order that they have instituted so-called Human Rights tribunals that fracture every rule and principle of our former justice system so that minorities (usually the untrained judges of these tribunals) now ride herd on the majority. Woes betide anyone that runs afoul of these bastard courts.
Why should we put our citizens at risk and undermine our peace when there is no evidence that the Muslim world, in particular, joyfully accepts any Christian or non-Muslim as an immigrant into their societies. Is this not a double standard? Of course, that’s what our western governments practice, especially in Canada. One law for the Quebecoise and another for the rest of us. One law for ordinary citizens and another law for our alien immigrant minorities. The “double standard” is the rule!
It is time to clean this mess up. Halt immigration from incompatible and dangerous societies and get back to accepting easily integrateable people that are willing to become socially, politically and proudly Canadian. We also need to seriously curtail an immigration industry that is almost exclusively dominated by aggressive minorities.
While we are at it, we must bring back and teach our British history** and let newcomers and even our own historically challenged younger generations understand where their freedoms came from and all that today’s Canadians owe to our past generations.
We must also correct the idiotic mantra that “We are all immigrants.”
Huge numbers of today’s citizens are the descendants of men and women who came to this country as soldiers, sailors, fishermen, pioneers, settlers, farmers, explorers, and particularly the loyalist British-American settlers, who with British Army and Navy assistance, brought the beginnings of our parliamentary democracy and freedoms to Canada. These original people never heard of or needed an immigration department or a passport; they just came and stayed and challenged the wilderness. They must be honoured.
Newcomers need to know and abide by the principles of justice and law these pioneers brought and paid for with their sweat and blood and accept and imbibe in the total Canadian ethic. An ethic fought for and enhanced so many others. If they can’t, then they will never be happy in this country and they will incur an increasing impatience and resistance to their complaining on the part of all Canadians. If they do participate, they will find a hearty welcome.
* The Charter’s Section 15, Subsection 2.
** British history was banned from the schools by the provincial and federal governments in 1982 after a few complaints by some of our former enemy immigrants who claimed they were offended.
I totally agree with you and you wrote a truely insightful piece. My family immigrated to Canada from the West Indies and they assimilated as quickly as they could to Canandian society. I was brought up among the Polish and Ukaranians in Oshawa and was more Canadian that the Canadians ( of which I am extremely proud of ). If you don't like Canada and our values and traditions ( ie: Christmas ) go back to where you came from. Don't come here and begin to critize our culture while retaining your own. We live in Canada and we DO NOT want it to change because some loud mouthed immigrant thinks it should conform to some medieval way of thinking.
Personally, I'm one of those persons staring at you when you walk by with your head scarf on.
Posted by: skye | December 06, 2008 at 04:41 PM
Religion is a mental disorder. The most effective treatment is a rigerous scientific education.
Posted by: me | March 06, 2009 at 10:57 PM
Skye, I'm not exactly crazy about religion either, but I do not fear Buddhism, or Judaism, or Christianity, or Hinduism, or athiesm (a religion in its own right), or any other peaceful religion that accepts me and my beliefs and whose holy books do not demand I submit or die, or whose prophets/leaders were not murderers and pedophiles and warlords and demanded the same of its followers. Islam is different than all other religions and it is purely rational to fear it and to hate it. The other religions, not.
Posted by: Greg | April 05, 2009 at 07:28 PM
Islam is not only a religion but a political movement with strong ambitions.
It is in all our interests to study the koran and the hadiths to get a clear picture of this mix.
All muslims and apologists continue to maintain such illusions that islam is peace and their arguments include quotes from their 'holy' book. We must be able to quote the relative passages in that book to counter and expose their arguments as misleading: that is, they are chosen to depict islam in a favourable light but other quotes available are kept from view.
Most of the koran is filled with a wicked violence ordained by allah. But it is mohammeds character which dominates -his desire for power and his sociopathy towards those who did not accept his claims.
There is much work to do. We must study history, psychology and religion and struggle with all that information. We must politicise ourselves.
Posted by: ex-muslim | April 06, 2009 at 03:22 AM