Well .... here we go again. Another professional woman shocked and appalled at the way she has been treated by muslim MEN...when are these dhimwits going to learn?
This latest incident of "reverse Islamophobia" finds veteran TV journalist, Jo Burgin, stunned at the Arabic station Al Jazeera (abbreviated as AJ) network's treatment of her and has filed a £1million ($1.9 million)compensation claim for race, sex and religious discrimination. But first some history on the situation.
Back in the Spring of 2005, Miss Burgin and many other British journalists flocked to AJ's base in Doha, Qatar in order to assume positions in AJ's English speaking division - they all planned on elevating their careers and the TV station to a level that would rival CNN. Jo Burgin apparently was performing well enought that she was elevated to the position of the most senior level woman working for AJ where she headed planning at the service's 24-hour English language. But the honeymoon period would not be long.
Despite being promised "Western style working condition" what Miss Burgin experienced was "her Arab bosses had 'publicly humiliated' her and eventually sacked her for being a 'white, Christian, British female'.........."Miss Burgin said the station's deputy managing director Ibrahim Helal 'harboured anti-Western sentiment', could not relate to women and rolled his eyes whenever she spoke.....he shouted her down in meetings and ignored her in favour of her male deputies. ...While a blind eye was turned to Muslim couples working together, Miss Burgin claimed her relationship with director of news Steve Clark - now her husband - was given as the reason for her sacking in April last year."
Miss Burgin complained "'It left me publicly humiliated, deeply hurt and professionally smeared,' she said."
Perhaps Miss Burgin should have done a little less listening to her multicultural, Islam pandering liberal media co-horts and politicians and done alot more background reading on the subject of treatment of women in Islam. If she had done so at the least she would have perhaps shown more caution in laying years of her career and life into the hands of those who believe:
MEN ARE SUPERIOR TO WOMEN : Sura (4:34) - "Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded. As for those from whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and scourge them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them."
A WOMAN IS WORTH LESS THAN A MAN : Sura (4:11) - (Inheritance) "The male shall have the equal of the portion of two females" (see also Sura (4:176)).
Sura (2:282) - (Court testimony) "And call to witness, from among your men, two witnesses. And if two men be not found then a man and two women"
Sura (2:228) - "and the men are a degree above them [women]"
Sura (24:31) - Women are to lower their gaze around men, so they do not look them in the eye
The above quotes can be found on The Religion of Peace web site.
Let's see Miss Burgin is upset that she was " publicly humiliated, deeply hurt and professionally smeared"....now where have we heard that before -- from other British women who blithely pandered to muslims and believed in muslim integration and Westernization? -- only to have both thrown back into their face? How about:
Former Mayor of Kirklees, Jean Calvert, who was shocked that the same muslim men she has so handily pandered to for years - refuse to have their picture taken with her or to shake her hand -while they all were gathered at a "community cohesion" get together. For story go HERE
OR even
Grandmother of three and local Liberal Democrat (political group known for its pandering to muslims) Councillor, Jo Calvert-Mindell, weary from months of sleeplessness caused by drunken, noisy college students finally decided to complain to the students who (unfortunately for her) contained two male "Asian" (aka muslim) students. Thus immediately the racism bomb was lobbed by the muslim students at Cllr. Calvert-Mindell so she was carted off by the UK police. Racism charges against (the outraged) Miss Calvert were dropped but only AFTER she made an embarrassing appearance in Court. The students were never charged. For story go HERE
The names and places may change but the results will continue to be the same. Let's face it - women in the UK can't even trust many of their muslim doctor's nevermind most other muslim males. Were these three women so naive, conceited or stupid to honestly believe that muslim men would treat them any differently?
Serve these dumb women right I hold that all these liberal women go through the same thing.
Posted by: Ralph Hunt | September 10, 2008 at 09:15 PM
I've come to the conclusion that 'political correctness' is a mind-numbing, soul-deadening thing, just as much as is islam. It's a case of "I want to believe it, I've been conditioned to believe it, so it MUST be true." Many people's naivete is beyond belief. Especially in the West. They think if they've been brought up with, been imbued with, liberal ideas, then everyone else must be too. Like our dear Al-Jazeera interviewer-ess, she's found out the hard way it just isn't true !!!
Posted by: Jerry | September 11, 2008 at 12:07 PM
If you read the Qur'an this sort of behavior will not supprise you.
Posted by: tanstaafl | September 11, 2008 at 01:58 PM
"...when are these dhimwits going to learn?"
NEVER. 7 years after 9/11 and they are still as clueless as they were on 9/10.
Posted by: Jenn | September 11, 2008 at 03:22 PM
That idiot needs to stop bitching about how multiculturalism came back and bit her in the ass.
She's the one who dropped her pants for it to do so!
Posted by: Philip Lowry | September 11, 2008 at 05:43 PM
This is a result of a liberal education. She should get nothing. And should not be allowed to work in the media permanently. She doesn't have the smarts to check out her employers and the rules they work under before she went to Dubai.
Posted by: Katie | September 12, 2008 at 02:00 AM
I think that the PC brainwashing ideology plus a belief in career and money pushed this particular person into this situation. However, unlike other posters, I do have some sympathy for her plight. We all make mistakes!
Posted by: Blondo Blondini | September 22, 2008 at 09:41 AM