Just when you think the suicidal pandering of the British Labour government could get no worse comes the news that $70,000 of British taxpayers money has been handed on a silver platter to a radical Islamic website. This grant given only a few weeks before the anniversary of the London 7/7/05 bombings - see the 55 victims here.
This website, Muslimyouth.net carries posts where the writers not only extoll suicide bombings but also praise the beheading of Daniel Pearl and Ken Bigley. Daniel Pearl, a reporter for the Wall St Journal, was beheaded by 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (currently on trial). Ken Bigley, a British engineer working on reconstruction projects in Iraq, was beheaded by the Tawhid and Jihad ("Oneness of God and Jihad") Islamist group, led by Jordanian Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
The web groups rationalizes the hate spewed toward innocent victims of jihad as a "few people venting anger on the site" - but offers no claims of future monitoring of the hate rants. Muslimyouth.com subsequently insists that they would report, any direct terrorist threat posted, to authorities. Is that supposed to make the British people feel better?
The Labour government justifies its gift as a way to talk about the issues. One would logically assume the issues of muslim radicalism and violence against the British people would be the topic?
Of course not!! The group plans on using the money to make a film, ironically enough, on the difficult life and problems muslims are subjected to in Britain.
BY Tom Wells
AN Islamic website which backs suicide bombers got a £35,000 Government grant – a month before the anniversary of the 7/7 attacks.
Muslimyouth.net carries dozens of rants by fanatics on its “support group” site.
One member wrote of suicide missions: “If you can blow dozens of people up at the same time, great, absolutely great.”
And in another vile message a member PRAISED a beheading video of British hostage Ken Bigley.
It said: “I like the beheading videos of the prisoners of war – especially the Daniel Pearl and Ken Bigley one.”
But the Department for Communities and Local Government agreed to fund the group’s film on problems faced by UK Muslims.
A spokesman said: “We can’t prevent violent extremism if we aren’t prepared to talk about the issues.”
VIPs will see the film in London tomorrow, including Cabinet minister Hazel Blears.
Rizwan Hussain, of Muslimyouth. net, said: “We’re conscious of a few people venting anger on our site. If there was a direct threat made we would alert authorities.”
Four suicide bombers killed 52 people in the 2005 7/7 London attacks.
On the occasion of the death of the once great Britain, I send my condolences. We are sure to follow.
Posted by: Richard | June 10, 2008 at 10:20 AM
Posted by: Harold Groves | June 10, 2008 at 01:38 PM
Dhimmitude at its best!
Posted by: Marianne | June 10, 2008 at 04:23 PM
It could happen only in Little Britain. Only the Brits would give the enemy a long stout rope to be used to hang the British people. Incredible!!!!
Posted by: Philip Saenz | June 10, 2008 at 04:38 PM
It's getting harder and harder to tell the British from the French these days.
Posted by: Jack | June 10, 2008 at 05:06 PM
Are you out of your freaking minds? ? ? ?
What part of "We want to see the flag of Islam flying over Downing Street" don't you understand?
These people want to see us DEAD ! ! ! Now your tax dollars are helping to give them a forum to reqruit new suicide bombers?
Here in Canada we are not too far behind.
Posted by: Bytes | June 10, 2008 at 06:16 PM
If I were to start a website calling for the extermination of Muslims and I had the nerve to ask for a government grant to fund it do you think I would get it?
No - I'd be sent to prison for Hate Crimes.
I think I may print out some t-shirts with something along the lines of "Behead Those Who Take Away The Divinity Of Christ" - - ah wait a minute, again I would get sent to jail for a HC.
But it's okay for the Mozza's to have placards reading "behead those who insult Islam".
It's getting beyond a fucking joke.
Nazi Britain ain't far off - I guarantee that from what I hear constantly in my local pubs....
Posted by: VampireJack | June 10, 2008 at 07:01 PM
The reason the labour government give muslims whatever they want and protects them is,they are all former student radicals of the 1960's that actually hate britain,besides they are socialists they always ruin countries,but the stupid british public doesn't care,all that interests most of them is hand out and big brother,a muslim state is very near a reality,by then it will be to late to do anything about it except go along with whatever the imams want,but most of europe is going the same way,it's ironic that we'd have been better off being defeated by hitler than was is to come,and we need someone like him to sort this country out.
Posted by: Karl | November 01, 2008 at 09:29 PM
wanting to search the ww1 records to find about my grandfathers war service in which he was gassed and also shot from what my father told me,i find that my goverment seem to have sold all these to ancestor web sites where i need to pay, freedom of information? perhaps the monies from these sites paid for the grant.Churchill would turn in grave, bless his soul.
Posted by: alan | March 13, 2010 at 03:40 PM
Yeah really great information about UK government and Islam issue... I think I may print out some t-shirts with something along the lines of "Behead Those Who Take Away The Divinity Of Christ" - - ah wait a minute, again I would get sent to jail for a HC.
But it's okay for the Mozza's to have placards reading "behead those who" Thanks very much for sharing it.
Posted by: generic safety | September 09, 2010 at 07:37 AM