More outraged inflicted upon the British people by 5 Somali muslims and former asylum seeker who have been found guilty of rape and sexual activity with children.
That in and of itself is abhorrent enough - five perverts go to the UK for supposed safety and return the hospitality by raping their children. But another rape has also taken place - the rape of the UK taxpayers who have to pay for the legal aid and the ridiculous 5 "private" interpreters.
These rapists were allowed into the UK courtesy of NuLabour's open door policy of coddling any dregs who happen to turn up and whine that they need asylum. Then the taxpayers get to pay for their housing, food, haircuts, clothing, etc etc whilst the government drags its feet in determining the veracity of said asylum seekers - fearful of violating the EU Human Rights laws. In the meantime men, such as these slimes, inflict crime and havoc.
Then, once arrested for their crimes, the taxpayers get to dole out more of hard earned money to solicitors and translators. Cost to criminals? = ZERO ( I won't even bring up what the phenomenal cost of providing translators to immigrants is costing the NHS & British cities and towns)
Now the British taxpayers get to pay for these criminals whilst they do their prison sentences and one would hope they would be swiftly deported thereafter ................................but taking from what Judge Joy's final statement says - no other country will want these degenerates thus the British can expect these pedophiles to be living off the taxpayers and roaming their streets for decades.
Paedophile gang racked up �25,000 legal aid bill by demanding FIVE interpreters
A judge has spoken out over the £25,000 legal bill racked up by a members of a paedophile gang who asked for five different interpreters - all to translate the same language.
Judge Martin Joy said the five men, all refugees from Sudan, had cost British taxpayers a total of £125,000 for the interpreters and individual barristers, all supplied by legal aid.
The judge spoke out after a jury at Maidstone Crown Court found one of the men guilty of rape and all five guilty of sexual activity with a child.
They had attacked two schoolgirls aged 13 in Dartford and Gravesend, Kent last summer.
Judge Joy told them: "It is quite plain you have exploited the most civilised aspect of this country throughout this trial, despite the fact that some of you have been in this country for several years.
"The bill for interpretation alone is a minimum of £25,000. Add to that are some eight pre-trial court management hearings and, no doubt, conferences at the prisons.
"It seems to me you have exploited the hospitality this country has to offer."
The judge added: "You came to this country to seek political asylum. No doubt you came to this country because you regarded it as a safe country.
"However, because of your conduct, this country becomes less safe."
Juma Saleh, 19, Mohamud Jimale, 20, Dawt Kefle, 18, and Mahder Zeregergis, 19, were convicted of two counts of sexual activity with a child.
Adil Aboulkadir, 33, was found guilty rape and three counts of sexual activity with a child.
The gang now await sentencing and could face deportation once they are released from prison, though Judge Joy said it would be difficult to find a country that would welcome them.
Multiculturalism, isn't it great?
Posted by: Bob Smith | February 29, 2008 at 10:24 AM
judge Joy said "it would be difficult to find a country that would welcome them"
Our stupid country welcomed them! Or at least the liberal traitors who wield all the power did.
They should be welcome in any islamic shitehole,after all they worship a paedophile. If not dump them on the north pole, near some hungary polar bears.
Posted by: urban | February 29, 2008 at 10:28 AM
OOPS!! Hungry.
It would be nice if you could provide a link to email the story.
Posted by: urban | February 29, 2008 at 10:33 AM
A further unarticulated outrage here is that these political refugees received line jumping placement in government assisted housing over native family Brits who have to wait on a three year housing list. I can see why some muslims thanks allah for making the infidel booty for him!
Posted by: David England | February 29, 2008 at 11:21 AM
Just much more the good people of Britain can take??!!
How long before the british children who were raped by these barbarians,will be put in jail together with their families,for resisting muslims in expressing their culture and tradition??!!
There is no England anymore.
Posted by: Adela Kostea,USA | February 29, 2008 at 01:16 PM
I wonder, how many UK muslims have expressed outrage over what those filth have done? Oh, did I forget to mention: they were ALL MUSLIMS!!! I'm not racist, $hitslam isn't a race.
Posted by: allahlovesporkchops | February 29, 2008 at 01:35 PM
They were just following the example of their prophet.
Posted by: yolo | February 29, 2008 at 01:48 PM
How much does a bullet cost? Its all they deserve!
Posted by: Tim | February 29, 2008 at 04:56 PM
Good that at least one judge is beginning to wake up and smell the sharia
Posted by: shiva | February 29, 2008 at 11:56 PM
Didn't anyone stop to think that since all the dudes spoke the same language they'd only need one interpreter?
Posted by: mjazzguitar | March 01, 2008 at 01:16 AM
I'm glad I don't live in England. I live in the good old USA. Prince Harry doesn't like England either. Can't say that I blame him.
Posted by: Philip Saenz | March 01, 2008 at 02:25 AM
look, take them to Sudan whithout any process - but first the people who wrote invitation letters for them should be obliged to pay all the exprenses, including the ticket. Or their mosque or imam can do it.It would set the nice precetedent, I think.
Posted by: Via | March 02, 2008 at 01:12 PM
COULD face deportation? what the FUCK? gang rapists from the most christian hating country on EARTH; rape british schoolgirls and simply COULD face deportation? jesus wept and so am I - somalia has about 1,000 christians left & the govt there has stated they will hunt down and butcher all christians, AND didn't they just stone a 13 yr old girl to death for adultery after she was gang raped? why are they letting this scum into ANY country? DISGUSTING (my new catchphrase)
Posted by: Rebecca Olesen | August 04, 2010 at 08:38 PM
What is so hard about sending them back to Somalia? Since there is no government all you Brits have to do is land a plane and send them packing.
Posted by: Catz-a-logue | August 06, 2010 at 01:27 AM
The taxpayers get to pay for their housing, food, haircuts, clothes, etc etc but the government has pulled its legs in the validity of asylum seekers has said for fear of violation of EU human rights.
Posted by: מכון שמיעה | October 12, 2011 at 01:24 PM